48 Hours
So, now the new site capitalx.no has been launched. Unfortunately it takes 48 hours before it goes live on the internet. While we are waiting for that I figured I would give some details on what we are working on these days. First a quick recap. My freshmen album 305375 The Voice of the Voiceless was reissued and released on I.G.W.T. Records available on all digital outlets for streams and downloads. The hard copy will be available in the store soon. The single Doing Me featuring Xam from Mandal, Norway which went straight to video 17-10-2016 was officially released, also on my label I.G.W.T. Records. Doing me is also now available world wide via digital outlets for streams and downloads. I will be writing blogs on both of these releases soon.
New single BLK BLOC is on deck with backing video set to drop any day now. No official date they will just drop simultaneously. The track is produced by Daniel Cordero out of Berlin, Germany working out of Suburban Kids Studio also in Berlin. And then there is the new web site.
We are excited about the new web-site I have a small team I’m working with with literally no budget so please just bare with us. My main priority is keeping this blog up to date with not just current goings on but also segments of sharing some war stories. We are discussing some sort of vlogs. One example would be like Flashback Fridays. We would post small clips of different types from the hours of footage shot while touring over the years. Was also thinking of one that’s just a commentary on different issues and real life situations like about the social struggle.
With Black Bloc wrapped up just waiting to be dropped my focus is drawn to another song I would like to put visuals to. The track would again be released as a single as well as a video. This is from a secret project I have been working on for the last two years. All will be revealed soon enough but we are in talks to begin filming for this in the next week or so. This track is on some other level and I really look forward to sharing it. Till next time Peace, Love and Progress All.